The Abyss of My Insanity

Monday, April 24, 2006


A saw a shooting star! Oh well that was my first time to see one. I was on my way to the office and it has been my habit to look at the sky and sort of like wish on the first star I'd see (i really don't care whether my wishes come true i just like the thought of making a wish). Kinda childish I know. So tonight when I looked up I saw the falling star!

I always tried to stay awake whenever the news says there'd be a meteor shower, but I never get to stay up long enough to witness one. So I was so thrilled when finally I saw a falling star.

I was wondering do you wish while you see it falling or is it ok to wish after? Coz my thought process was kinda slow. You see the falling star, you recognize it is a falling star then you make a wish. e ako I got stuck sa part na i recognized it's a falling star. So by the time I"ve thought of making a wish it's gone. haaaay

But that was cool!


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